Saturday, September 27, 2008

Do you ever...

Do you ever:
Laugh at things that shouldn't be laughed at?
Play Pretend like you're 10 again?
Wish you could fly?
Feel like the world is just all wrong?
Wonder who you are?
Wonder who God wants you to be?
Laugh at me because of what i post?
Think that life could have been better without cars?
Wanna burst out in song?
Dance when there is no music?
Act like a dork in public?
Get tired of all the things i post?
Laugh for no reason?
Remeber what you ate for week ago?

LOL... Just being a dork.. like always..
.:wOrLd PeAcE:.

Soo... I was thinking...

(Stop laughing PERKY,... i can too think.. Sometimes....) but i thought about typing up my story as a blog.... I would only put in one chapter at a time but hey... at least people could read it... but i think i might start soon... my very next post... (Coming up soon) but i just wanted to ask you guys, but i guess that it doesn't really matter, cause i was going to do it anyways.
.:wOrLd PeAcE:.

Bored on a Saturday.....

OMG... I am bored on a saturday.

okay... so i just said ," OMG... I am bored on a Saturday." Pretty cool. but anyways.....
I was surfin the net (and the waves were totally narley-no pun intended-) and happened to stumble over a couple of blogs. I got it off of the website (no laughing) and then i click on 'our blog' and the 'followers' and then BAMM!!! i sent a comment to a couple of bloggers i don't even know, and one was from outside of the U.S.of A.!!!! I feel soooo proud, but i'll feel even better if i happen to ever hear back from those people, and that's why i just got my spirits down.

Since i am a terrible blogger and have not been on since MONDAY!!!! (i have shunned my self... if that's even possible...) i thought i would give you a rundown of my week...
so far no one has called me SUNSHINE not even that guy who did in the first place (my i release his name you shall not laugh or i will find you... That means you PERKY!!) but yes it was in fact NICK... (last name is not to be released.) I SAID NO LAUGHING PERKY!!!!
But i go an 88% on my Biology Test!!! it was a lot lower than i wanted, but higher that i expected. (and for those of you who don't know me i am. in fact, a smart kid. I'm taking 9th grade bio in 8th grade, YIP-TE-DO-DAH-DAY!) So since this next chapter only has 2 sections (THANK YOU BIO PRODUCERS!!!) i am going to get a 100% or ban myself from reading a book for a whole week! (It is too possible, and i'll prove that bookworms like me can go without reading...) Oh and that is only Tuesday.... lol!

Then on Wednesday I went to Anne's house. We had an awesome time. Anne wanted to give me a makeover, so my eyebrows are nice and plucked, and i know how to put on my makeup that i own, but hardly use. She also did my hair in this awesome way that made me look like her sista Polly. And then we went to a drama filled youth group, like every Wednesday. (Anne i'm telling you that there is somthing that Richie and Jana are doing that we don't know about....)......
Then there was thurday... really nothing happened but a fundraiser kickoff.... We get to sell 'SEXY TRASH BAGS' so the public! They are 100% recycled and made in our very own Hoosier State, INDIANA!!! WOO HOO!!! YEAH..........RETARDED!!!!! ..... I mean who wants to buy 'SEXY TRASH BAGS'?!?!?!?! O and i forgot that there are magizne subscriptions...Whoopty-FREAKIN- do.

Friday.... YYYYAAAWWWNNN! Hailey came over and then we hung out at my pond. Yeah... but at least i wasn't alone. Then i might as well continue to today's adventure. Hailey and I hitched a ride to the apple orchard with Anne, Polly & John, and Bethany. Polly & John's car wouldn't fit all of us, so Polly called Pastor and Barb, we got to take Barb's mini-van. We cranked up the raido and acted like retards all the way there. Then we wanted to get lost inside of the orchard.. no such luck... but Anne can juggle!!!!! Then Polly tried (related or not Anne could go for the circus, but Polly better stay away from there...) I bought an Elephant ear (who knew that elephants could taste so good???) and then we cranked it back, all the way home. Yeah then i helped my dad clean the kitchen.... Yep bored....


.:WoRlD PeAcE:.

Monday, September 22, 2008

URGH! .... Sunshine????

SUNSHINE?!?!?!?! I mean seriously.... do i look like anyone's sunshine to you?!?!?! I was called SUNSHINE by a kid on my buss this afternoon! ARGH!!!! Well gotta get some rest for my bio test, and SERIOUSLY>>>>>> SUNSHINE?!?!?!?!?!

<.: OeCd :.>

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Super Secret Kitty Spy!

So, Anne has a couple theroys about my kitten, Tigger ( spelled t i double gerr er). She thinks that my cat is either a robot kitty, or a Super Secret Spy. Just on my own opinion i would have to go with the SSS. But then my brother thinks it's a vampire kitty (along with me and Anne) so i myself have come up with a theroy. My kitten is a Super Secret Vampire Kitty Spy, SSVKS! I myself cannot deny that i am a vampire along with a cannot say at all that anne isn't a vampire, because of the fact that she and i are supposed to be twins (it's a God-thing), and if i'm a vampire then so is my twin. It's only logic, and even I understand this logic! So my superhero name is Vamp Girl since Bat girl happens to be taken (ANNE!!!). Well gotta go save the world!


Sunday, September 14, 2008

One of THE BEST weekends eva......

Soo... my weekend goes a little somthing like this:

Friday: The homecoming football game was packed. Not really a lot to do, but i went with ANNE AVONLEE and we kinda talked to random people and hung out at different places and with different people. We were kinda stuck there until the end so we made good use of out time. The good news... we kicked some butt, 42 to 7! GO BEARS!!! Stayed the night at Anne's house and we got to talking about random things that popped into our heads and then we went to bed around 1:30 or so.

Saturday: Got up around 9 sumthin, don't really know. But got a quick rundown on how "beautiful" i look when i sleep from Anne and her little sister Mary. Personally I think it's cause my mouth is shut for once. But then Anne and i waited for Ms. T to get home with our donuts... YUMMMY!!!!!! We had a wonderful breakfast of donuts and choco milk (anne thank your mom again for that wonderful breakfast). And then came the hard part of our day. We had to clean her basement so we could move Anne's stuff down there so she could have her own room. The cleaning part was okay, but that was only because i have this ocd like every other month where i have to have things clean, but until then i really don't care if it gets clean or not. But anyways around 1 we came up with the complications that we couldn't get the latter off the bed. We took a break for lunch then and discussed different things to do to get her bed down the stairs. Anne thought we could fit it through her door but i tried to tell her we would have to take it apart. she didn't believe me but in the end.. .we took it apart... :-p then we brought everyting downstairs to her new room and started to organize it. We worked 10 hours on that room and it's not even finished. So saturday night around 8:30 we headed over to my house..... by which we showered and clensed ourselfs. Then we wrote in our "notebooks" until like 2 in the morning by which we both were feeling a little more tired than we let on.

Sunday: Anne and I both got up around 8 so my dad

Thursday, September 11, 2008


So A few friends have been wanting the movie trailors and insted of going and giving them the directions to the websight i decided to post the link here. If you are a fan of the Twilight Sega then i really think you should check it out... unless you don't want to see the previews to the movie. It comes out 11-21-08, and i'm getting a group of friends who want to go. If you've gone to the websight from my page give me a shoutout in my comments, because i feel really lonely on here!


R.I.P 9-ll-01 Victems....

The flags were at half staff today. I was in Second Hour History Class with Mr. Young whe our principal came on the over head i knew what it was about, the attack on the twin towers in New York City.... I started crying. They were scilent crys of corse but i was crying all the same. I hardly ever cry any more and yet just hearing about a tragic event that happend 7 years ago can make me want to break into sobs. But during the moment of scilence i prayed for all the familes and just for the U.S. it's self. When it was over i wiped away my tears but kept my prayer on my heart..... TO ALL THE FAMILIES WHO LOST SOMEONE ON 9-11... MAY HE OR SHE REST IN PEACE!
God Bless

<.: O e C d :.>

It's all over....

WTF?!?!?!? it's all over!?!?!?!? what in the world am i talking about....
well it sure beats me. I guess that it's my plans for fall break, (yeah that wasn't gona happen anyways so it's not like i really care anyways), but also my friendship with Jadyn has gone down the drain. (yeah and i flushed it all the way down this time too).
It's like i'm sick and tired of trying to be her friend when all that i ever get out of it is hurt! I did forgive her when she apologized but i never apologized because i'm not sorry for one thing i said to her!!! She treats me like crap, and i know that it's gotta end soon cos i can't take it anymore!!! it's like she's dragging me down!! everytime that i would get one step closer to God she would go and get mad at me and make me say some things that are not exactly the best things to say when you are a Christan.
What ever though, right???

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I have to say that today was qutie boring. Just a NORMAL day in a NORMAL schoo with NORMAL friends (um ikshay on the nickishnay on that last normal) doing NORMAL work with NORMAL classes with NORMAL teachers and NORMAL homework to go with a NORMAL day.
Today was just so..... what's the word.... umm, NOMAL!!!!!!
That's what i like about Wednsdays, we get an UNNORMAL class times, and not to mention we get out at an UNNORMAL time and do UNNORMAL human things with friends cuz i have so much UNNORMAL free time. AHHH the UNNORMAL is the best part of the week.
SOOOO, anyways i didn't come here to complain, but knowing me i complain about everything. But to go with my UNNORMAL day tomorrow i get to go home with my BFF anne! Check out her blog sometime tooo, it's and But i sooo can't wait for tomorrow. Wish me luck on my journey that everyting goes great!!!
