Thursday, September 11, 2008

R.I.P 9-ll-01 Victems....

The flags were at half staff today. I was in Second Hour History Class with Mr. Young whe our principal came on the over head i knew what it was about, the attack on the twin towers in New York City.... I started crying. They were scilent crys of corse but i was crying all the same. I hardly ever cry any more and yet just hearing about a tragic event that happend 7 years ago can make me want to break into sobs. But during the moment of scilence i prayed for all the familes and just for the U.S. it's self. When it was over i wiped away my tears but kept my prayer on my heart..... TO ALL THE FAMILIES WHO LOST SOMEONE ON 9-11... MAY HE OR SHE REST IN PEACE!
God Bless

<.: O e C d :.>


.:aliella♥:. said...

aww. honestly? i was almost in tears myself....

Capri Amier Amour said...

i cry at some of the wierdest things.