Sunday, September 14, 2008

One of THE BEST weekends eva......

Soo... my weekend goes a little somthing like this:

Friday: The homecoming football game was packed. Not really a lot to do, but i went with ANNE AVONLEE and we kinda talked to random people and hung out at different places and with different people. We were kinda stuck there until the end so we made good use of out time. The good news... we kicked some butt, 42 to 7! GO BEARS!!! Stayed the night at Anne's house and we got to talking about random things that popped into our heads and then we went to bed around 1:30 or so.

Saturday: Got up around 9 sumthin, don't really know. But got a quick rundown on how "beautiful" i look when i sleep from Anne and her little sister Mary. Personally I think it's cause my mouth is shut for once. But then Anne and i waited for Ms. T to get home with our donuts... YUMMMY!!!!!! We had a wonderful breakfast of donuts and choco milk (anne thank your mom again for that wonderful breakfast). And then came the hard part of our day. We had to clean her basement so we could move Anne's stuff down there so she could have her own room. The cleaning part was okay, but that was only because i have this ocd like every other month where i have to have things clean, but until then i really don't care if it gets clean or not. But anyways around 1 we came up with the complications that we couldn't get the latter off the bed. We took a break for lunch then and discussed different things to do to get her bed down the stairs. Anne thought we could fit it through her door but i tried to tell her we would have to take it apart. she didn't believe me but in the end.. .we took it apart... :-p then we brought everyting downstairs to her new room and started to organize it. We worked 10 hours on that room and it's not even finished. So saturday night around 8:30 we headed over to my house..... by which we showered and clensed ourselfs. Then we wrote in our "notebooks" until like 2 in the morning by which we both were feeling a little more tired than we let on.

Sunday: Anne and I both got up around 8 so my dad


.:aliella♥:. said...

you always have to remember:
YOU are smart.
I am stubborn.
=) we go together perfectly
like the whole emptying & filling the dishwasher thing.
Or you making the food & me eating it
=) but seriously.

Capri Amier Amour said...

We would make the perfect pair of twins, ur my twin that God gave me unrelated! WOO GO GOD!! (cause it's just a God-thing)