Monday, March 30, 2009

So to ya'll

This is Lance, the summer of 2008, and That's Bryce's arm in the background, fyi. Lance loved him like a brother back then.

This picture was taken by me, exactly one week after we had started going out. He's amazing, if I do say so myself. :)

okay, he took this one, and I totally hated me in the background, looking all...ewwish...yeah. He needs the photography class more than I do.

My Boii, Lance. :) He's my other male love, just not in the same way as Bryce... So, now Bryce isn't such a stranger to ya'll anymore. :)

Signed & Laced with Dreams,


SimplyShy01 said...

Byrce looks a little familiar.

I don't think you look "ewww" in that picture. You just look a little tired.

Have a nice day :)!

SimplyShy01 said...

I left out something:

Your other male love, Lance Michael, is adorable!

xXx(summer)xXx said...

I agree with SimpylShy01. Adorable, is Lance, but I'm not sure how she finds Bryce familiar..


jules said...

they are both super cute.