Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No, I wasn't arrested ☺♪

Remember a while back when I said if I was gone for a while I was probablly arrested???

Well, I wasn't. I just fractured my wrist and have a hard time typing. That's why I havn't been on lately. I'm a slow typer now. But in a few weeks I'll be back to 5 or 10 posts a week. (Maybe more) But until then, I keep a list of things to tell you.

Any questions, or just want to e-mail me try because my aol is giving me problems.

~ima vampire~


Karma said...

oh goodness! i'm so sorry about that! i have never fractured or broken or sprained anything, so i have no idea what it is like. I hope it gets better! glad to hear you aren't arrested!

also, how did u do that smiley face and music note?


Rebel Angels said...

I dislocated my elbow last year... I'm kind of accident prone

Rebel Angels said...

You don't say, Jay...
(To all who don't know the girl posting above me) Seriously, she is waaay accident prone. If there is a limb to be broken, a cold going round, an incredibly rare and bizarre virus looking for a body to ravage, you can bet she will break/catch/be ravaged by it.

Capri Amier Amour said...

Accident prone....Sounds a lot like me!