I AM IN LOVE>>>>I was searching in Youtube for Twilight Trailors and found this. Watch it,, PLEASE! I had goosebumps from the song and I so want that video for my Mp3
Must go suffer..
.:WoRlD pEaCe:.
Video>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fORuwYBL8c
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Posted by Capri Amier Amour at 11:25 AM
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Howdy :D Got to your blog through Ellie's page. I don't know if anyone's emailed you or told you how to embed videos yet, but here's how I do it.
You go to the youtube page and on the right (underneath the person's profile photo and name) there's a URL code. Under that there's an embed code. Copy and paste the embed code.
Then, when you're posting a new blog entry, on the top right of the bix you type in there should be two tags: "Compose" and "Edit HTML". Go to "Edit HTML" and paste the embed-code from youtube. Go back to the "compose" page and you'll see a big white box with a red cross in the corner. Once you publish your blog post, it'll show up as the video.
Doh. I said 'bix'. Of course I meant 'box'. Normally I can spell, I promise.
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