So.. I would be totally dead if I had to choose a college, like, now. I'm totally for staying close to the family, but I would really like to go to London for college. I know, I know, I have what...3 years before I need to get really hard-core about this stuff.. but it doesn't hurt to plan ahead. I have 3 career choices lined up right now: psychologist, author, or vet... but I'm worried about the whole animal thing. I'm worried about a lot, actually. I think I could rename this blog and call it WORRIES>>> But I like my title.
WAHO>> off corse. Kay, I was at colleges.
Purdue University???
Cambridge University????
Oxford University????
A lil information on Cambridge:
'Cambridge is one of the world’s great universities, and has the ability to transform lives. If you study here, you will experience that quality at first hand. Day to day, you will work with academic staff who are leaders in their fields, and who are also committed to see you succeed, and to help you develop your ideas, knowledge and understanding.
The secret of Cambridge’s great teaching strength is to be found in the partnership between the Colleges and the University: a combination which provides superb facilities, contact with the very best minds, and the personal support to help you make the most of them. You will have an unparalleled chance to develop your academic interests, and to explore plentiful opportunities for sports, drama, political and social activities.
It adds up to a remarkable educational experience which will challenge you while you’re here, and provide a springboard for your future career: Cambridge graduates are to be found at the highest levels of industry, academia, the arts, public service, and commerce.
It matters to all of us here that the doors of this University are open to all students with the highest intellectual potential to succeed. There is no ‘right background’, no hidden test of social or economic circumstances, no right school to have attended. We work hard at making sure of this, assessing each applicant individually, and encouraging the widest possible pool of talented applicants. In particular, we have created the Cambridge Bursary Scheme to ensure that financial considerations are not a barrier to applications from gifted students. Whoever you are and wherever you come from, if you have the ability, the enthusiasm and the motivation, then we want to hear from you.
My days as an undergraduate here were a hugely important time for me. I hope that you will find in this Prospectus the inspiration to apply, and to find out for yourself what Cambridge has to offer.
Professor Alison Richard'
Purdue University ranks in the top 62 research institutions in North America. In 2005-06, the University expended more than $400 million in support of research, using funds received from the state and federal governments, industry, foundations, and individual donors. Purdue faculty are world-renowned experts in their fields working in world-class laboratories and classrooms. Purdue offers more than 400 research laboratories and 100 discipline-specific centers and institutes, including several that are uniquely recognized in their fields. For the latest news on Purdue Research.
Welcome to the University of Oxford. People from all walks of life and all parts of the world have been visiting us for nine centuries and we are delighted that via this website you are joining that long tradition. Oxford was the first University in the English-speaking world. Our aim is to remain at the forefront of centres of learning, teaching and research.
Oxford’s remarkable global appeal continues to grow. More than a hundred and thirty nationalities are represented among a student population of over eighteen thousand. Almost a quarter comes from outside the United Kingdom.
But it is not just longevity and global reach that mark Oxford out and give the University its special character. There is also our distinctive college and tutorial system which underpins a culture of close academic supervision and careful personal support for our outstanding students. Our colleges and halls of which there are more than forty also help to foster the intense interdisciplinary approach that inspires much of the outstanding research achievement of the University and makes Oxford a leader in so many fields. It is an approach especially suited to confronting many of the hugely complex challenges that face us all. That is why we believe that the greater we can make Oxford, the greater its contribution to the well-being of the world you and I share.
The Rt Hon Lord Patten of Barnes, CH

So, I have a problem... I don't know which one to choose.... AWW CRAP!!! I shouldn't be stuck in this situation. But can I get some inputs, PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE!!! I'm Desprate!
.:WoRlD PeAcE:.
(sorry, this is kind of random, I just was flicking through your blog and I happen to know a bit about colleges, so thought i'd just reply)
Oxford and Cambridge are both really amazing schools, with great acclaim worldwide, and a degree from there means a lot to employers. But from what I've heard, if you want to do psychology, University College London is actually the best for it. But I only know this because I want to do psychology, so I'm afraid I can't be any help with the others. Cleo (April's friend, who has way too much time)
my older sister goes to cambridge
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